Thursday, April 29, 2010
Session in Houston
Today I am hanging out in Houston with the crew. Charlie Hawkins, Kelly Baldwin,Johnny Tamayo and Lee Edwards. This is just a small taste of our session. Stay tuned for edited footage.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Terry Adams @ The Water Front
I recieved a new video from Terry Adams today. He is riding at the water front at North Ave beach in Chicago IL.
2nd Place Vet Class Claude Hickman
Very cool things happen when you arrive at a event. You have the opportunity to meet new people. Claude and I have been talking via the internet for many years. This was the first time we have ever met in person. We even rode in the same class and he took 2nd place. This is his footage from JoMoPro 2010
Claude Hickmans 2nd Place Vet Class Run
North Padre Island Jam Wrap Up
March, 20 2010
The North Padre Island Jam was hosted by Aaron Frost of Sequence Fab. The weather was not cooperating with us in the beginning. It started off a very wet and rainy day. The forecast was for things to clear up by 3:00 P.M. and that it did. There were several riders starting to session on the wet parking lot trying to get warmed up and getting amped on the contest. The contest surface was soaking wet but it was tended too with squeegees and leaf blowers to get it ready for a Jam and Contest.
The AM Winners
1st place Lee Edwards
2nd place Johnny Tamayo
3rd place Kenny Boucher
4th place Hector Garcia
Pro Class Winners
1st Place Matthias Dandois $300
2nd tie David Weathersby $100
2nd tie Diego Tejada $100
Photo Slide Show
Photo Slide Show
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Kelly Baldwin took these photos at the North Island Padre Jam on March 20, 2010. Thanks Kelly!
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Go to Flicker Site
Here are some highlights from Matthias Dandois during the North Padre Island Jam 2010. Filmed by K-Dub. Thanks for your efforts in filming in the cold,windy conditions.
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The North Padre Island Jam is a wrap. Sickwick and Rad Dad were both filming and shooting photo's all day long. There will be a TON more footage from the competition. Be on the look out for the Final AM Battle and many more highlight videos.Make sure you don't miss updates by following bmxfreestyler. Big Props to everyone that made this Jam Possible and a special thanks to Mr. Aaron Frost. Lets do it again next year!
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This video are highlights from the Pro Battles.
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The last battle was between Johnny Tamayo and Lee Edwards. This is how it went down.
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David Weathersby aka D-Dub is Fire! These are Highlights from the North Padre Island Jam of David.
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Highlights from Kenny Boucher
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Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Diary of a Cliffhanger Part 2 "The Combo"
This Diary started back in June of 2009 when I started learning how to do a Cliffhanger. After several months of working with them I wasn't really have much luck doing much than riding out of one. I had been toying around with the idea of placing my hands back down and doing a steamroller for some time but I continually fell forward with every attempt.
During my recent session I noticed that my Cliffhanger has gotten remarkably solid. So solid that I really started to feel like I can control it very well. Today on April 27, 2010 I some how managed to slip from a Cliffhanger into a Hang 5. I was so stoked but no one was watching and it was not on camera. I yelled out loud and my neighbors freaked out a bit as I was extremely excited. Then I thought to my self, maybe I could really make the switch into steam now. Then after a few tries I did it! I was elated with joy but it still was not on film. So I grabbed the camera and set it up. You can see for your self. 2 new tricks in 2 days...Totally AWESOME!
Keep on Riding!
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If you missed the first diary you can watch it here.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Rad Dad's 1st Switch Hand Steam Roller
The Journey with the Switch hand steam roller started a few years back when I was toying around with the idea. I remember getting some great tips from Amahl Abdul-Khaliq about where to keep my weight and how to lean. He had confidence that I could preform this maneuver but I just put it on the back burner while I perused other stunts.
During the global flat online battles FO made a comment that made a little stir about the direction that I traveled in my tricks. He said that doing a switch hand steam roller must be very hard for me to preform because of the direction that I rolled my tricks. He had asked for a video clip of my switch hand steam but I had to decline to make one because I could not even hold it let alone ride in or ride out.
It was some where around January 2010 that I started toying around with it again and David Weathersby told me that it felt like it was like leaning fwd always trying to stay ahead of the position. That tip stays with me as well as I kept trying to just get used to the position. It started off feeling very alien and not easy at all. But I kept trying it over and over again and again.
It wasn't until I was riding at the Oltorf Garage with the ATX Flatland Crew one late night and Jim McKay said to me, "Mark, there was a tip that some one gave to me that may help you out. When you are riding in keep the bars close to your body. It will give you more control." The very next attempt was perfect. Everyone jumped up and down and cheered because I had caught my very first switch hand steam. It was that tip that Jim gave me that allowed it to flow together well.
For months I have been able to catch it from time to time but I could never switch back. I watch Alex "Magic" Johnson who learned this trick some time ago I tried to watch closely at how he was able to switch but I was just not catching on.
Today was not even going to happen. I was trying to get ready for Trick of the Month for May. Its Switch Hand Steam Roller. I said to Caleb I can get in but I can't get out yet. He said to me, "Dad, I know you can do it". I took it with a grain of salt and said I would try. We started filming and I was getting in but all of a sudden the magic happen. I was able to let go and let the bars lay against my leg for support and I was able to get back to regular steam. I tapped my foot the first few times but it was the first time I had even come close to making the switch. Then everything fell into place and I was able to finally say I have successfully complete my very first switch hand steam roller. Over joyed and so happy, I called Jim to let him know and to tell him thank you for that final tip that pushed me all the way to the end. Please enjoy the video and please leave a comment if you have read all that I have wrote, please take the time to let me know you were here.
Keep on Riding!
Rad Dad
Moblie Link
JoMoPro 2010 Vet Class Highlights
The Vet class was introduced to JoMoPro this year. It was designed to allow older rider that are not at a modern day expert class level compete amongest each other. It was over all a success and there was talk of doing it again next year. Be sure to keep checking back for some indivdual runs upon request.
Vet Class Highlights
Mobile Link
Vet Class Results
1. Tony Strickler
2. Claude Hickman
3. Dangus
4. Mark Dandridge
5. Mike Porter
6. Jeff Brown
7. Danny Harrison
Sunday, April 25, 2010
The 1st Annual BMX Round Up
On April 29, 2010 the 1st Annual BMX Round Up was held in Austin, Texas in Zilker Park. The event was put together by members of the BMX Museum site. One of the leaders that spear headed the event, Angel did a fantastic job of communicating information to everyone so this event could take place. When I first heard about the event I was all for it and I started to follow the thread. I met many great guys and gals from all over Texas. I even met a few BMX Freesytler visitors I had not met before. I have definitely perfected the art of filming and photography of a event. This event started at 10:00 a.m. and video and photos are posted by 6:15 p.m. WOW! Thanks to everyone that showed up and participated to make this 1st event so much fun.
Check out these sites for some super cools stuff.
Clothing Company
USA Bike Parts and Clothing
Video Highlights
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Video from Joe
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.Link To Photos
Photos from rcsnipe2000
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
JoMoPro 2010 Isaiah Jordan 3rd Place Master Class
Interview with Isaiah Jordan
BMX Freestyler-You have been at the top of every class you have entered for awhile now. Are the Pro Ranks around the corner now?
Isaiah Jordan- I'm actually moving up to the pro ranks starting at Twilight Fest in Athens, G.A.
BMX Freestyler-With the birth of the AM Flatland Circuit how has that effected your competitive riding?
Isaiah Jordan- The Circuit hasn't effected my riding too much but it has opened my eyes to move up to motivate some of the up and coming to keep moving up.
BMX Freestyler- Now that you will have more responsibility with a young one to care for, how will you divided your time between family and riding?
Isaiah Jordan- Its always going to be family priority one, but riding will be in a close second. I'll just have to schedule everything (good advice from Bryan Huffman)
BMX Freestyler-You almost didn't make it to JoMoPro this year. How did you finally make it there?
Isaiah Jordan- Long story, short! Bryan was already going, and a couple of my sponsors hooked me up last minute.
BMX Freestyler- Any Last words..Shout Outs?
Isaiah Jordan- Big Thanks to Bryan Huffman for everything (Getting me started, Letting me steal his tricks, and not killing me for snoring night before every contest of jam). Steve for the AM Flatland Circuit. Definitely Rad Dad for the interview (and the ride to the Hotel night before JoMoPro)
My Sponsors
Keith King @ King BMX (
Airspeed Shoes (
John Burns @ The Bike Garage (
Merritt White @ Recycles Bike Shop (
Isaiah Jordan 3rd Place Contest Footage
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Friday, April 23, 2010
Freestyler Friday #6
From BMX Museum
This looks as a great event that will be happening this weekend on Sunday. If you are in the area you should stop by with your bike and have some fun. Get more information in the thread.
JoMoPro Footage
Being out of town for the first week after JoMoPro really put video production in a small bind. Master footage is now up and this weekend I will start on Individual footage upon request. I already have more interviews returned back that will go up latter today. Big thanks to Kelly Baldwin and Isaiah Jordan. So be on the look out for those latter today. Here is some never before seen footage from the Texas State Border going in to OK.
Global Flat Battles
If you are participating in the Global-Flat Online Battles Round 3. Please send me your photo for your trading card. Please include the following information when you are sending the photo to me.
Your Name
Global-Flat ID
The class that you will be riding in
Send this information to
Thanks to everyone that is supporting Ondo and the Global Flat Battles. The Battle Blog will start cranking when the battles begin. If you have not seen it before there is a link on the right side almost all the way down.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
JoMoPro 2010 Master Class Highlights
This was the first year for the Master Class at JoMoPro. This class help build a bridge between expert and the pro ranks. The skill level of riding was extremely high and very competitive. Keep checking back for individual runs upon request and Interviews with the Top 3 riders.
JoMoPro 2010 Master Class Highlight Video
Mobile Link
2010 Jomopro Master Class Results
Individual runs will be placed upon request so keep checking back.
1. Jody Temple
2. George Vasquez
3. Isiah Jordan
4. Percy Marshall
5. Tyler Gilliard
6. John Dowker
7. Lachlan Cameron
8. Alex Poirier
9. Diego Tejada
10. Adam Diclaudio
11. Kenny Boucher
12. Prasheel Gopal
13. Ryan Russell
14. Todd Gulley
15. Mitch Hall
16. Koit
17. Ron Monis
18. Eric Wright
JoMoPro 2010 Master Class Highlight Video
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Jim Mckay 1st Place Intermediate Class JoMoPro 2010
Interview with Jim Mckay
BMX Freestyler- Jim I have known you a long time now. Your progression at flatland is phenomenal. Witch combos do you want under your belt before you advance again in classes?
Jim Mckay-Thanks Mark, yes, you were one of the first people in the flatland world that I've met, and you've been a positive force in my life ever since! As far as contest goals, my goal right now is to turn my hardest combos into my most reliable ones, and add some things that I haven't done at contests. Jomopro was a turning point for me, I feel like to move forward requires advancing classes at the next competition. Although placing well feels good, my goal is to simply ride my best. If I can get that under my belt, all other things will fall into place as they should.
BMX Freestyler- What are your plans for the new frame that you won?
Jim Mckay-Since my flatland frame is pretty short, I'm working on building this frame up to play with manuals, hops, and maybe a little street riding.
BMX Freestyler-Did you go into the contest expecting to win or were you surprised at the out come?
Jim McKay- Contest riding is really difficult for me, so in that respect I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to ride well enough to win.
BMX Freestyler-Are you planing to ride in Ohio and if you do what class will you be riding in?
Jim Mckay-Yes, I'm going to do everything I can to get out there if it's possible. I will enter the Expert Class and hopefully pull some nice lines out there on the floor.
BMX Freestyler- Any Shout Outs?
Jim McKay- I have to thank you Mark for your support and also for the ride to this and so many other contests in the past. My family for understanding that bikes are more than vehicles to me, my copilot Joshd for continued radness in every conceivable way, Hector and TheBykeProject for all the help and support, my entire extended family at the Legendary OG and the rest of the TX riders, Eric Longshanks of Team McDuff, Steve Lapsley for the AM Circuit!, thanks to all the friends I've made along the way that share this journey through Flatland with me. To move is to progress. Keep riding hard!
Highlights from Jim's 1st place contest run
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Aaron Frost has new combo
I was hanging out with Aaron Frost today. We were riding at the spot working on new combinations. Aaron wanted to give you just a small taste of what is to come. To be continued.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
JoMoPro 2010 Expert Class Highlights
Expert Class
The expert class at JoMoPro 2010 brought fire and passion for flatland. With a the AM Flatland Circuit in place there is even more motivation to compete and to win. These are highlights from the qualification portion of the event. Riders appear in order that they placed over all. Please feel free to leave comments. See you next year in 2011.
JoMoPro 2010 Expert Class Highlights
Mobile Link
Expert Class Results
click names for entier video
01 Bryan Huffman with new interview 4/19
02 Johnathan Tamayo with new interview 4/18
04 Lee Edwards
05 Marty Clark
07 Alex Johnson
08 Omari Cato
09 Larry Grinder
10 Hector Garcia
11 Roy deGuzman
12 Austin Luberda
13 Steve Lapsley
14 Alexis LaGrassa
Results provided by Roy deGuzman on
Photos By Rad Dad
JoMoPro 2010 1st Place Expert
Bryan Huffman
Interview with Bryan Huffman
April 19, 2010
BMX Freestyler- I know you were not thinking you were going to take first place. Do you think your ready for Master Class?
Bryan- Maybe, hopefully by the end of summer. I’ve had a really rough year riding wise with my knee surgery and all so I don’t feel ready at the moment.If I could ever ride the way I know I can then I think I could do ok, not sure I could win the master class though. I may enter Masters at the Ohio contest.
BMX Freestyler- You have been back in the game now for awhile. How many 1st places have you taken since your return?
Bryan- Just a couple…the first Indy contest, Fight with Flight this year and now JoMoPro which was a complete surprise. I felt ok about my Finals run, but I shouldn’t have qualified to begin with.
BMX Freestyler- Was there anyone that you were totally phyced to meet at JoMoPro?
Bryan- No one in particular. I was just glad to see everyone and glad to see some really good riding going down.
BMX Freestyler- I heard through the grape vine that there is a Jam happening in NC. What are the details?
Bryan- We do a jam every year usually in May. It’s May 29th in Winston-Salem, NC. It’s a nice jam at a great lot so come ride with us! More details are under the Events section on global-flat.
BMX Freestyler- Any last words, Shout outs?
Bryan- Thanks to you Mark for all the work you do for flatland and for the interview. Thanks to Steve for the am series. Both you guys need to be up for the NORA award. Thanks to Isaiah for driving most of the way to JoMoPro because I was too sick to drive.
Bryan Huffman is very humble about his riding. He is one heck of a nice guy to boot. Check out his contest footage from JoMoPro 2010.
1st Place Expert Class
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Bo Knows Flat Session
Bo Wade was in Austin,Texas this past week. He was riding all week long with many of the crew members. On this day we came out in full force to show our support. Jim was not riding and was on the camera filming the entire session. Bo's friend Michele was snapping photos through the whole session as well. The photos have not surfaced yet but the video is now up. Thanks to Team McDuff!
Bo Knows Flat Session - G6
Johnny Tamayo 2nd Place Expert Footage
I have known Johnny Tamayo for some time now. We have made many rode trips and rode our bikes in many parts of Texas and beyond. I was even apart of the road trip that took him out of Texas for the first time. Johnny was requesting his footage from his final run. I took it a step further and put together all of his contest footage. Johnny is apart of the Byke Project Team. Be on the look out for a How to Turbine McCircle.
Interview with Johnny
BMX Freestyler- Looks like your about to conquer the Expert Class. What other tricks do you want in your bag before you move to Master Class.
Johnny - Well in fact I have an entire new back wheel link that is currently in the works. This link will eventually end in a pedal-time machine which I am completely stoked about! Mastering this new link will definitely push me into the master class (whether I qualify or not). I'm also working on a few tricks that should have been knocked out a long time ago like hang 5's and believe it or not the steamroller. I plan to mix these into my existing front wheel links.
BMX Freestyler- What kinds of things were in your goody bag?
Johnny - My goody bag was amazing! I received a pair of Chase Gouin bars, Flatware grips, TONS of stickers, and a really nice poster with all the greats illustrated on it (Chase Gouin, Aaron Ross, Chase Hawk, etc.) It looks like Odyssey really hooked it up for this one.
BMX Freestyler- How many Ninja Swords do you now own and what did you do with your newest one?
Johnny - Well this is my first Ninja Sword believe it or not. I didn't expect it to be so authentic! As soon as we got back into Houston I put it to work and cut sections of Hector Garcia's front yard. It was a blast! I hope to get a few more in the future. Then I could start a tree trimming service.
Photo by Fat Tony of Ride BMX
Johnny - I most certainly will be attending the Ohio competition. I think I'm going to finish out the year in expert class just to see if I can get that 2nd place standing. Next year I'll be entering master no matter the outcome of this next competition. I think it will push me to ride harder if I know i have to hang with the masters.
BMX Freestyler- Last words, Shout outs?
Johnny - I'd definitely like to tell Austin what's up and that I wish I were there every saturday. Thanks to the few guys in Houston that are starting to ride more nowadays. Lastly thanks to you Mark for putting in the personal time to get exposure for flatland and helping those who already ride! Keep progressing everyone!
2nd Place Expert Class Johnny Tamayo
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Photo from Kelly and Monique Baldwin
The Baldwin family have dedicated them selves to high quality photography. As a team they don't miss a thing. They were both shooting photos through out the entire event. This is the most amount of photos that they have taken during a single event.
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
JoMoPro 2010 8th place expert class
Omari Cato
I met Omari Cato at Terry Adams Dreams premiere. Ever since then every time I have seen him he has progressed and pulled harder more complicated tricks. I had the honor to film his very first contest at Voodoo Jam. Now he has placed in the TOP 8 of the expert class. He is definatly on the way up. Check out this footage.
JoMoPro 2010 8th place expert class
Voodoo 2009 Omari's First Contest
JoMoPro 2010 7th Place Expert Class
Alex "Magic" Johnson
Alex "Magic" Johnson is a child prodigy. The crazy thing is he almost didn't make it to JoMoPro this year. He has a ton of heart and learns tricks very quickly. He has even impressed Matthias with the few weeks that he was in Austin riding with The ATX Flatland Crew. Its like night and day when you look back to his very first contest. Texas Flatland Round Up 4. Here is Alex working his Magic on the contest floor.
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JoMoPro 2010 6th place expert class
Joel Blatnicky
Joel Blatnicky recently moved from the Intermediate class to the Expert. With a solid performance he made it into the Top 8. He also just and a interview over on Flatmatter.Mobile Link
Joel and Rad Dad
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