Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Mike Spinner Interview
Mike Spinner Interview from surfer_atomico on Vimeo.
Mike Spinner rolled through Orlando ,FL a couple of months ago.I was at the park and asked if he could do an interview for BMX Freestyler.He agreed so here you have it.Super nice ,super friendly guy,reminds me of Eddie Fiola ,he`s very friendly and approachable (an uncommon trait in today`s riders).
swampyboy-Japan Dub
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Living Legend - Robert Castillo coming 8-9-2010
After the release of "The King of Freestyle" with Ruben Castillo there were many questions raised about the other half of the Castillo Brothers. I contacted Robert Castillo about adding him to the list of BMX Legends here on BMX Freestyler. He has agreed and the interview will be going up 8-9-2010 along with photos and 2 new web edits videos done excusivly for this interview on BMX Freestyler.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
keep austin wheel
there are a few things that make this edit special. First, the unicycle football crew. Soooo austin...they were such a cool part of the evening...not normal. not even close to boring. Hippy, punk, cowboy shit man, it was like tripping and running naked in the forest. Not that i know what thats like or anything.
Second, was the sound of the cicadas buzzing in the tress. So here's what's up with that if you were wondering. Only the males make the noise. It is a mating song as well as a tactic to scare away birds. They are the loudest sound producing insects. The abdomen of the males body is hollow with a drum-like organ inside. To the ancient Greeks they were a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, and immortality.
Third, this was all shot on my favorite tennis court. It is extremely grippy. You can hear diclaudio carving around on this slow pavement. Tennis...i swear adams bike is so dialed when a wheel hits the ground it sounds like a tennis racket hitting a tennis ball. Dialed. The editing is light here cause i felt like it was one of those "slice of life" moments. In other words, just watch and enjoy-2 good 2 tamper with. I like to try and let things edit themselves.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Friends and Family Day Photos
Photo By Hector Garcia
Photo By Diego Tejada
Photo By Deigo Tejada
Photo By Diego Tejada
Photo by Diego Tejada
Photo by Diego Tejada
Photo By Diego Tejada
Photo By Diego Tejada
Photo By Rad Dad
Photo By Rad Dad
Photo by Rad Dad
friends and family jam preview
what a rad day. Chadwick, Tod and Ruben are kings among men.
proper edit coming soon
proper edit coming soon
Saturday, July 17, 2010
BMX Movie Night
Friday Evening at the BMX Movie Night. Ruben Castillo with a split leg Decade
Photo Gallary
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Photo Gallary
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Magic Man
Adam is one clean rider. He has dotted all i's and crossed all t's for sure, the details don't stand a chance. He studies the science of flatland, and practices like a sage. This all makes him a film makers dream as he's almost sure to land tricks rapidly and consistently. I caught up with him yesterday at this new undisclosed spot on austin's east side. We decided this spot is one of those here today, gone tomorrow joints so he threw down some links in its honor. Don't hate the player-hate the game. Adam is so flatland.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Street Chronicle of Sickwick
Sometimes flat..? Sometimes street..? Sometimes both...that's my style. Its ok amigo. No problemo. Chris Balles gave me the idea for this edit. He made comment on facebook that he didn't know i rode street like that. SO i put this little best of me in the street for the past 2 years all the way to like a week a go! Thanks for the inspiration Chris. Peace 2 my atx flatland crew brothers, i hope ya'll enjoy this. See you at friends and family.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
The Hitchhiker, 40 days and 40 nights
So completly proud and stoked for 5hane. This is what its all about. Never giving up. Major Props!
BMX Freestyler Weekly Top 10 list
Number 1 Viewed This Week Debut
Diary of a Hitchhiker Juggler Part 2
Second Top Viewed This Week Debut
How To Turbine McCircle
Third Top Viewed This Week Down 1 spot from last week
"Get Over" The Fear of a Decade
Friends and Family Day
The ATX Flatland Crew would like to invite you the first ever Friends and Family Day in Austin, Texas. The location will be at the Legendary Oltorf Garage. Click here for Map. The Friends and Family Day concept was designed to incorporate our friends and family it to the sport of bmx flatland with out being an all day event. This event will be held on July 17th 2010 and will last only 1 hour.It will start at 5:00 p.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. There will be a short demostration, fun contest and food will be served.
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Friday, July 9, 2010
Old school BMX show and reunion in Hawaiii
Note: This event is in Hawaii
Date: Saturday, July 31, 2010
Time: 10:00am - 6:00pm
Location: Central Oahu Regional Park in WAIPIO
If your at all into anything old school then you wont want to miss out on this.
There will be lots of dudes selling all their unwanted old school Schwinns and BMX relics as well as some of the finest pieces of BMX bikes on display!
Come down and check out the reason why you are still riding little kids bikes for fun.
There is bound to be some sweet moves being thrown down and other good BMX stuff. Hope to see you there!
SHOW, BUY, SELL or TRADE away with Old and New Friends alike..
Making a New generation of BMXer's is our goal....
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Special Guest in the Austin,Texas
From Left to Right Sandra,Julia, Adam, Brett, Marie, Lee, David, Randall
On July 7, 2010 we had several special guest at the Legendary Oltorf Garage. All the way for North Carolina Lee and his wife Maria drove to Austin last week to see the sites of Austin,Texas and to session with the ATX Flatland Crew. I was lucky enough to catch up with this on Wednesday their very last day in Austin to session for couple of hours together.
Lee and Maria
We also had Sandra from San Francisco come by for a visit. She is has a very strong interest in learning flatland and the ATX Flatland Crew is all about helping some one get started and learning some tricks. Now that she has plugged into the Flatland community network. She will be making new contacts and maybe even show up at a event or two.
Sandra and Julia
The Austin Area has become a place for riders from all over the world to come and visit. The Legendary Oltorf Garage is becoming as popular as "The Spot" in Redondo Beach California. The next guest rider that will be passing through is Richard Aguayo.
Richard Aguayo
We are always stoked to have riders come through for a session. If you are ever interested in checking out the ATX Flatland scene for your self hit me up in email at
Keep on Riding!
Rad Dad
Photos from Session
Slide Show
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Terry Adams Re-Release of "Dreams"
Date: Saturday, July 10, 2010
Time: 6:00pm - 10:00pm
Location: SafeHaven Skate and BMX Park
Street: 6523 Masonic Drive
City/Town: Alexandria, LA
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Monday, July 5, 2010
Sunday, July 4, 2010
BMX Freestyler Weekly Top 10 list
Number 1 Video this Week Up 1 spot from last week.
Whitneys and Chloe's Birthday Crunkfest 2010
Mobile Link
Number 2 Video this Week Down 1 spot from last week
"Get Over" The Fear of a Decade
Mobile Link
Number 3 Video this week. Debut in the #3 spot
Trick of the Month July 2010 Mc Circle
Mobile Link
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Amahl Abdul-Khaliq in Austin, Texas
Amaal Abdul-Khaliq was recently in the BMX Freestyler Riders Spotlight. He will be in Austin, Texas on the 4th of July at the Head Hunters located at Red River and 8th Street in Austin, TX.
He will be on stage about 9 p.m. and its free of charge.
Sam Foakes flatmatters exclusive!!
From the great world of Flatmatters. Sam Foakes with new combos. Thanks Effraim!
Friday, July 2, 2010
There is something to be said about time. Although this footage is dated a bit, I think most of you will enjoy a look back at a really good time in Texas. Since it is a memory a few months removed, you have had time to forget some things that made this time so special, well...heres a reminder. Thanks to everyone who appears on this edit. I threw a little street session in middle just to break the beat a bit, hope you flatland purists don't mind it too much. Bmx Freestyler 4 evermore!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Trick of the Month July 2010 McCircle
January- Hang 10 Seat Grab
February – Hang 5
March – Messiah
April- Karl
May- Switch Hand Steam Roller
June- Hitchhiker
July – McCircle
August – Cliffhanger
September – Brakeless Decade
October – Mega Spin
November-Lung Spin
December- Lard Yard
The Trick of the Month has become a staple of BMX Freestyler and Global-Flat. The Tradition shall continue on for the year of 2010. My goal over the years was to help riders out there stay motivated learning tricks and pushing the envelope that new variations would be thought of at the same time. All tricks in the Trick of the Month are a Beginner/Intermediate Level. That way all rider can participate or make attempts.
Here is how Trick of the Month works. Every month there will be a new trick in the spotlight. You can do 1 of 2 things.
1. Post a video or photo of you performing the designated trick for that month/
2. Make comments to help or inspire each other.
Variations are a good thing! So if you got something unusual and different please share with everyone. 09 was a great year for participation. I hope to keep the tradition going with some new tricks thrown into the mix along with some old faithful.
Submitted By Rad Dad
Submitted By Pitdog504
Submitted By Mare
mccircle 4 Chad from mare on Vimeo.
Submitted By aerolitos
Untitled from aerolitos on Vimeo.
Terry Adams Filmed & edited using my iphone 4
Terry has a new I phone 4 with video editing on the phone. Thanks Terry!
The Global-Flat Onine Battle Round 3 Resutls
Beginner Class
VerticalSmile 1st place
HellzCat 2nd place
Hidde 3rd place
Intermediate Class
Iriez 1st place
Ultraman Zoffy 2nd place
jm 3rd place
Expert Class
flaTTech 1st place
Theory 2nd place
bryan81 3rd place
Master Class
2flat2furious 1st place
alex worden 2nd place
ondo 3rd place
You can view the videos battles on the blog
Do you want to particiapte in the Round 4? Become a member of the and get more details there.
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