The JoMoPro Contest is going down on April 3-5. This is going to be HUGH! Please repost this on your blogs and help spread the word. This is contest is going to be out of this world. 3 day event that includes flatland!
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Matt WilhelmI will be there for sure. We need to support those that support us. This could be a huge deal, so let's show up in full force and represent FLAT.
Fat TonyOk, here's some more news on the event from a different point of view...
Ride BMX Magazine has been a sponsor of Jomopro for the past two years. The event has grown tremendously since it started three years ago and they plan to keep the flatland part of the event growing as well.
The people that run The Bridge in Joplin are an amazing group of people that have a real passion for what they do. Their entire organization is incredible.
The park contest prize money is up to $25,000 for pros, so just imagine if flatland is a success this year and gets bigger each year like the park comp has done...
The contest will be in the music venue that's inside The Bridge—think hardcore rock concert hall. It's a dope location and Catfish will be there to pump up the crowd. I even heard rumor that the pro flat finals may be the last event of the weekend followed by a party in the same venue to end the weekend.
When not riding, you can chill in the arcade, use the computers, play basketball or dodgeball, climb the rock wall, eat at the pizza bar, or watch the park contest. The people at Jomopro even have a rider lounge with food and massages! They really take care of the riders that come out to the contest.
I'll be working with Pat and the people at Jomopro to help organize some details of the event and do some consulting on how to run everything. I've helped do some consulting for the park contest for the past few years and they are really good at taking advice from people who can help the event be successful.
You can expect the same format that the World Circuit and Voodoo Jam use.
Much more details to come, but take off work and make travel plans now!
This year is looking great for flatland in the U.S. with Fight With Flight, Jomopro, and Voodoo Jam...see you there!
Matthias Dandois Of course We are going!
We have to show to the people that think there are no flatland in the U.S they are wrong.
I don't know, Make the trip, sell your family, Ride hard and find a sponsor that pay your trip or hold up The bank of America, But come!
The Riviera Ninja spin is the week after the JomoPro, so I can take some of you guys in my luggage if you want too.
Let's see.
The bad team
See you at the Conetest!!!