Saturday, February 26, 2011

Tribute to Effraim Catlow of Flatmatters

This is a Tribute to Effraim Catlow of Flatmatters. This was composed using his name. Look at the first letter of each sentence. Its spells out Effraim Catlow Flatmatters.

Everyone stand up, stand up and recognize
Flatland BMX is doing well and alive
Flatland does matter all across the globe
Rising to the occasion to let every know
All the news and what’s happening across the land
Individually we united and together we stand
Making a mark and points that are validated

Creative content that is not ad orientated
Am to pro are clearly recognized
Total package is complete and not improvised
Look how far we have come in just 2 year
Obstacles don’t get in the way they just stand clear
We are the kings of the ground  

Flat out holding it down
Linking maneuver together with a swirling sound
Always willing and ready for battle to go down
Tactical Combat flat on the ground
Making the impossible logical
Add it all together makes you completely unstoppable
Tricks that that just can’t be topped
Tricks with links that go on for blocks
Endlessly forever because the you won’t stop
Respect is earned and pockets aren’t getting fatter


  1. Nice touch Mark,Effraim will be stoked :-)

  2. Rad dad the freestyler, im waiting for your album! The OG hits :)
    I am stoked!!!
