From R-L George,Chris,Hecktor,Alex,John,Jim,Josh,Adam,Pete and Paul
The Patriot Jam was hosted by Team McDuff on 9/11/2010. It was held in Cedar Park, Texas. This was a time to gather and reflect on the attack on the U.S.A. We took the time to share stories about where we were that unforgettable day. We were joined by riders from the surrounding area. We even had George TenEyck from Forth Worth,TX join the Jam. He wins the award for traveling the furthest for the Jam.
Photo of Adam DiClaudio by Mark Danridge
Stand out star rider for the day goes to Adam DiClaudio. He was noticed by special spectator Dana a 50 year old ex BMXer from California. He noticed Adam out of the group of riders that had that special gift and flair for riding. Adam is sponsored by Clown Dog Bike Shop, Ophicial Clothing,The Fresh Up Clothing Shop, Team McDuff, and Runnur Straps.
These are some AMAZING pitures of some INCREDIBLE riders, Markie Mark - all y'all did good! ;o)