The Pirate Jam was presented by London Bikes and ForgetYouNotFilms, Inc.. It was located in Fort
worth, Texas on December 2, 2006. The M.C. for this event was none other than Chris Balles,
event organizer for the Texas Flatland Round Up Series. When we arrived at the location we
were greeted with warm smiles from friends from Louisiana. We knew that with the Southriders in Town we were going to have a great time. Tex did an extraordinary job putting together this event for everyone to enjoy. The surface was Masonite wood across the entire 4000 Sq. Ft. Basketball court in the R.D. Evans Community Center. It didn't buckle up and was smooth all the way around. Oranges were
provided for all the riders and there were a lot of oranges to be eaten.The competition was broken into four classes. Novice, Expert, Master and Pro. It was a jam format but there was no break down in 2nd 3rd
4th, ect. It was winner take all. The way you won was to preform the best trick during your run.
The Judges didn't keep track of points but they had to all agree on what trick was the best.
The day ended up with 4 different winnersNovice Class: Randall Willis
Expert Class: Kenny Boucher
Master Class: Alex Warden
Pro Class: Jesse Puente
I want to thank everyone that was involved with the tearing down of this event. There was a lot
of prep work to get the floor installed but the tear down was a volunteer process. I was one of
the riders to stay behind with many others to help load everything back into the truck.
Written By Rad Dad
December 17, 2006
Julio Cotto says: "The Pirate jam was superb…excellent concept and poof that flatland is alive an well in the United States"
Art Thomason say: "The Pirate Jam was a cool event because it didn't have the pressure of a contest, but it was more organized than a jam, so everyone from the AMs to the pros got to show what they can do and have fun.....AAAARRRGGG"
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Jesse Puente says :"It was a well put together contest. The riders were on a higher level. They came from all around the US to compete. It's the beginning of something big for flatland. The ground was perfect and the vibe was flatland. Also, there was no smoking in the house which is positive. Tex's video premier was amazing as he put flatland center stage. It was a lot of fun, there were no complaints. Next year it will be huge."
Jim McKay says "The Pirate Jam was really special. It was well executed, a ton of fun, and really original.
Throwing down banger tricks in a jam format for the booty of actual silver was pretty memorable.
Highlight Videos
Novice Class Highlights
Expert Class Highlights
Master Class Highlights
Pro Class Highlights
Photo Slide Show
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Cool Jam!Do they still host it?
ReplyDeleteSadly it was a 1 time thing. Basically it was to help Promote Illusions. It was previewed in a movie theater.